Weekly Update 10 May 2024

Hello everyone checking in with you again this week so you can keep us covered in prayer. This last week we did have the round table. I think it went well there were some really great questions asked t. Thanks to everybody you came and thanks to the guys that sat at the table. I was praying for them, thinking how it must be to sit there and wait for people to ask you a question about anything. I’m thankful for the men who willingly sit at that table each month and answer questions that people have about the Bible or about following Christ. Thank you for praying for pastors, they did a great job.Also in the next week we plan to do an Outreach. We’ll go to the middle of town and weigh people. That’ll be happening next Friday if you could keep that covered in prayer. This week Pastor JB from the north was in town. He has a school that he runs and a bunch of the kids came up Jinja. They typed many places and were here for s few days. Jb and his family visited for a couple more days. It was great to see them. Thanks for praying for him, the church to there, the ministry, that school, all in Pajule. They’re doing some great things up there. The rest of this week seems to have just flown right by. We did talk to the students this week, since there’s only a couple weeks left in school, about what happens after school is over. How to process that and stay connected to the Lord. How to continue being that follower of Christ. Prayers for the students power. One final praise report my friend Beverly finished University this week. We celebrated bt taking her out for breakfast. We had a wonderful time. Congratulations Bev, I’m so proud of you for graduating.That’s it guys, coming up in the next couple weeks finals, graduation, and the students going home. Thank you for praying and I’ll talk to you next week, God bless.

Pictured Pastor Ochan Dennis